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Chun-Da-Na  |  She / Her / Hers

Hi, I'm Chandana :)

A meticulous, methodical, and compassionate

design communicator,  always on the lookout for

strategies to develop user-centric, sustainable

design solutions, drawing inspiration from stories,

lived experiences, and my surroundings! 🌱

Keep scrolling to check out my work!👇🏼👇🏼

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KAI: A teaching

A teaching assistant leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, that aims to re-imagine education and bridge gaps between teachers, students and parents.

Design Research  |  Design Strategy  |  Conversation Design 

Design for Education  |  UI Design  |  Wireframing

EndoCare: Design
for Homeostasis

A futuristic, systemic design intervention that helps individuals manage Endometriosis, a chronic health condition.

UI Design  |  UX Design  |  Design Research |  Speculative Design

Systems Design  |  IOT  |  Design for Healthcare

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Drive better
with YOSH!

A car voice assistant to help the Indian

car driver in a metro city, enabling them

to multitask, thus making their commute time productive

(Coming soon!)

UI Design  |  UX Design  |  Design Research |  Information Architecture

Conversation Design  |  IOT  |  Wireframing  |  UI style guide

Global Records 
and Information🔒

A Power BI - compatible design system 

for TerraChem which helps them easily navigate sales and marketing data in

their reports.

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UI Design  |  UX Design  |  Design System |  Data Visualization 

Project ownership - Infosys + WONGDOODY

I am open to work!

Previously worked @ Infosys +Wongdoody

as a Lead Experience Designer

Actively looking for full-time opportunities as - 

Product Designer | UI/UX Designer | Interaction Designer

Please reshare my work with due credit.

Made in San Francisco, CA. Best viewed on your desktop

Liked what you saw? Let's connect!

I can be reached at

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